5 Skin Care Tips From a Plastic Surgeon

5 Skin Care Tips From a Plastic Surgeon

Plastic surgeons have seen it all. They’ve had patients who haven’t taken care of their skin and ended up having to get facelifts at a young age, just like they’ve seen people who have aged gracefully and don’t need their first Botox touch-up until later in life. By seeing so many different cases, they’ve managed to accumulate a lot of skincare expertise. Find out what kind of advice you would get if you go to a Toronto plastic surgeon.

  1. Wear Sunscreen

If you ask plastic surgeons what they wish they had done earlier in life, many would say, “Wear sunscreen.” If you don’t wear sunscreen, you’ll likely end up with broken blood vessels and brown spots on your face. Those imperfections will make you look older, so take out the sunscreen and wear it religiously. If you’re going to be outside at all, it’s important to put it on. If you only listen to one piece of advice from a Toronto plastic surgeon, this should be the one.

  1. Don’t Forget to Hydrate

Keep your skin healthy by hydrating it both inside and out. Use a retinol cream to keep your skin moist and drink plenty of water. This will pack a one-two punch that will help your skin stay young looking.

  1. Wear Shades

Your Toronto plastic surgeon has likely seen lots of men and women with fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes. This can be avoided by wearing shades. When you wear sunglasses outside, you won’t squint as often, so wrinkles and lines will be less likely to form. This simple tip can make you look years younger.

  1. Don’t Give Into Your Vices
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Did you know your vices can actually impact your skin? Take smoking, for instance. The act of inhaling causes wrinkles and the smoke is full of free radicals that wreak havoc on the skin.

Then, there’s alcohol. While you can imbibe from time to time, your Toronto plastic surgeon will let you know that it can dry out your skin and even make your skin look red and blotchy. That means you need to limit the amount of alcohol you consume.

Even food can hurt your skin. Sugar breaks down the collagen in your skin, making you look older. You can still have a sweet treat from time to time, but save cake and donuts for special occasions.

  1. Hit the Gym

Your Toronto plastic surgeon will also recommend that you go to the gym, even if you’re at the right weight. Your body is full of free radicals that hurt your skin. Exercising will help you get rid of them. That means you’ll get better-looking skin. As an added bonus, going to the gym will make it easier to sleep at night. Quality sleep boosts collagen production.

Get Started on a Skincare Routine Today

Don’t wait to start on your new skincare routine. Start today to reverse some of the damage while preventing additional damage.

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