7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

There are certain things around you that you might find “usual” but beyond your verdict, it really means a lot more significant than you think it is. You might ponder that a simple thing or situation that you see and encounter every day is just normal.

So, here in this article, you’ll see and learn the common things in your home that you never think could be “this important”. After reading, you’ll realise that these things are for keeps that you would like to hug them and give them extra care.

     1. Wall paints

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

You might think that wall paints are only used for the beautification of your home. But do you know that it really matters and could be considered as your home’s greatest armour? Hmmm, you might feel a little interested now.

Wall paint is more than just “wall paint” – it does beyond adding colour and beauty to your home whether in the interior or exterior. It (1) adds life and contrast, (2) enhances the visual appeal, (3) it shows your mood or personality, (4) protects home from excessive moisture, (5) protects the walls from staining or peeling, (6) minimizes dust and dirt, (7) boosts air quality, and (8) defends home from insects and weather.

     2. Wall decors

It’s not new for people to decorate their home and one of the things that are considered a favourite for “upgrading” is the wall. The wall may be a blank and boring space to look at if there would be no wall decorations on it.

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

Wall decorations don’t just act as a design into your home hence, it (1) use or occupy the space properly, (2) add texture to the wall, (3) give intensity to the flat surface, (4) properly blend with the overall interior, (5) show dimension, and for sure it (6) reveal your personality. Moreover, in relation to the trends today, wall decors are perfect for creating Instagram-worthy photos.

     3. Indoor plants

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7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

The indoor plants are more than just adding a green-ish vibe and look in your home. It can do more than that and more than what you can ever imagine. This type of plant delivers a (1) purified and fresher air quality, (2) minimum background noise, (3) lesser risk of getting illnesses, (4) better mood, and enhanced concentration and memory.

Here is the list of the perfect indoor plants you could choose from:

  • Spider plant
  • Dragon tree
  • Gerbera daisy
  • English ivy
  • Boston fern
  • Snake plant
  • Aloe vera
  • Peace lily
  • Rubber tree
  • Bamboo palm
  • Philodendron
  • Red-edged dracaena
  • Golden pothos

     4. Carpet

Are you familiar with carpet? Well, for me it’s a high-end type of rug. If you have this at home, let me congratulate you. But if you’re not, then you might want to know the interesting things about this “special rug”.

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

Carpet is one of the most cost-efficient add-ons to your home but aside from that, it also (1) adds style to the part of the house, (2) keeps floor safer since it’s slip-resistant, (3) reduces noise transmission (perfect if you’re living in an apartment or condominium or house with multiple storeys), (4) provides comfort and warmth, and (5) enhances the air quality.

     5. Huge mirrors

This item is also one of the cheapest things you could buy to decorate your home. It doesn’t merely for the use of looking at your reflection in it. With the use of huge mirrors as a decoration to your home, it can deliver you a fun and amazing results.

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

Here are the advantages of using huge mirrors:

  • Adds a decorative accent to the room
  • It increases the lighting since it reflects light from its natural resources
  • Makes the room appear larger than its physical size
  • Creates an illusion of additional spaces –it seems to double or triple the space depending on the size and positions of the mirrors
  • It’s cheap yet it makes the room appear to be elegantly expensive
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     6. Curtains

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

You’re maybe one of those sons or daughter who goes with their parents when buying curtains. Well, if you are, you might know the struggle of helping your parents choose the best curtain to buy, huh?

Well, it’s only because your parents want to hang the most beautiful curtain they could have. But do you know that curtains also play a big role in your home? It (1) adds contrast to your home, (2) it controls or filters the amount of light coming in and through the doors and windows, and most importantly (3) it gives you the privacy that you need.

     7. Photographs

7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in Reality

The last thing on the list but definitely not the least is a photograph. Yes, photographs are more than just a paper where you print photos from the significant events of your life. Moreover, photographs are a great instrument to make you feel good no matter how bad your day could be. It can also be used for serious situations like genealogy research, search and rescues operations, or you could simply put it on a frame – hang it on your wall and place it on the top of your desk.

So, these aren’t merely the things that have significance in your home. These things are the common items you’ll see but not aware that they can do or mean more than that. Share us your idea about the topic because we love to hear from you.


7 Things in Your Home That You Find “usual” but Undeniably Useful in RealityKath Ramirez is a writer in profession and passion. She believes that everybody can write but not everyone can write with good content and effectively reach out for their audience. Kath believes that writing is one of the million rays of the sun to relieve stress and anxiety. Aside from writing, she indulges herself to reading random books, photography, dancing, and eating pastries which her little sister makes most of the time. She is now a writer for particular Australian and United Kingdom-based companies.