Manchester High School is one of the finest and academically selective schools and, as such, sets its entrance examination. Applicants for entry into Year 7 are usually examined in Mathematics, Essay Writing, Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, and Non-Verbal Reasoning. In 2021, the assessment will occur via remote access and focus on Composition, Comprehension, and Mathematics.
Applicants to the Senior School (candidates aged between 10 years 6 months and 11 years 11 months on 31 August of the year of entry) who do well enough in the initial assessment will be invited to attend an online interview. Not all those interviewed, however, will be offered a place. At the interview stage, we are looking for potential, a wide range of interests. Also, a match between the child’s abilities and her performance in the entrance assessment.
Girls may be asked to read aloud at the interview. They may also be given a chance to exhibit their potential. Through different activities from those set in the initial assessments. Each candidate may also be asked to share something of interest with her interviewer. A school reference is requested from the Head Teacher of the applicant’s present school.
Manchester High School is part of the Greater Manchester Consortium of Independent Schools, and offers of places are made in line with the agreed dates of the Consortium. Examination results are not made available to individuals.
Table of Contents
Scholarship for study
At age, 11plus scholarships are awarded based on performance in the entrance assessment and, in the case of music scholarships and sports/dance scholarships, the individual’s performance at the audition or appraisal. Only a minimal number of Bursaries are awarded each year. The decision to award a Bursary is based upon meeting the financial criteria. And performing exceptionally well in the entrance assessment.

Entrance Exam of Manchester High School
Due to the national lockdown, the Entrance Assessment for entry into the Senior School in September 2021 will be remote access on Tuesday 12th January 2021. This year our comprehension, composition (writing), and maths examination papers will be replaced by a remote assessment, via a video call, with a member of our teaching staff. For further information, please visit our Senior School Entrance Assessment FAQ page.
Further details about the assessment and interview days and details about notification of results will be sent to applicants. A supplementary examination will be held on one of our alternative days. This alternative examination is for any candidate who cannot attend on the 12th of January.
Occasional Vacancies
Occasional vacancies occur from time to time as families move out of the area. Applicants for occasional vacancies in Years 7 to 10 will be tested in Mathematics, English, and a Modern Foreign Language. The new students will be asked by the authority to bring their Science exercise books with them to the assessment. As a specialist teacher in Science will interview them. The results of occasional vacancy assessments and offers of places are posted to parents. This would be done within one week of the assessment date. Only in exceptional circumstances will an application for entry partway through the GCSE course be considered.

About Manchester High School
Since 1874, Manchester High School for Girls has been educating girls. The school has a long and distinguished history. The girls of the school are not only empowered to achieve their academic potential; they also leave us as ambitious, conscientious young women who are ready to take on the world. The girl who aims for the top and is passionate about learning is this excellent school’s students. They build character; girls develop resilience, curiosity, confidence, and the skills that enable them to be the very best they can be.
The main objectives of the Manchester High School are:
- Enrolling girls with true potential, regardless of their means to pay, striving to be academically but not financially selective.
- Offering a wide and varied learning experience that is full of opportunity. Delivered by staff who are experts in educating high-achieving girls
- Sustaining excellent academic outcomes by challenging and supporting every girl to achieve her personal best
- Encouraging girls to respect themselves and others; developing responsible global citizens who have a positive impact on the world
- Offering exciting and diverse extra-curricular activities. That allows time and space for girls to pursue existing passions and discover new ones
- Providing outstanding pastoral care and an exceptional well-being program. That educates girls to lead balanced and healthy lives with strong moral awareness
- Delivering a ‘Futures’ program that promotes the many different routes to success. Empowering girls to weigh up a world of opportunity. And be bold enough to take the path that is right for them
- Developing meaningful relationships with our alumnae as role models and long-term supporters; fostering a sense of belonging that endures long after leaving school.
Being a responsible member of the community; sharing our expertise and opportunities in a meaningful program of public benefit activities - Forming valuable partnerships with others, including the wider business, creative and educational communities
- Celebrating MHSG’s history and promoting women’s equality
- Developing estates and technology strategies that ensure excellent facilities and resources
Facilities you will get in Manchester High School
Artistic and sporting talents are nurtured, and girls enjoy a diverse range of extra-curricular activities. They are complemented by superb modern facilities. Including a state-of-the-art Sixth Form Centre, extended Prep facilities, sports complex, fitness suite, dance studio, and purpose-built Music House.
Girls in the Preparatory Department enjoy regular use of their well-stocked libraries. The Senior School Library consists of a suite of three adjoining rooms. The Harrison Library contains fiction books, newspapers, magazines, audio-visual resources, study tables, comfortable seating areas, and computers. The Burstall Library houses non-fiction books, subject-based periodicals, and a large area for silent study. The Library computer room contains several computers with internet access, color printing, and scanning facilities.
These are all about the greatness and benefits of taking admission to the famous Machester High School. However, thousands of students apply for taking the admission to the school. Therefore, the entrance exam becomes tough to crack.