How to style yourself better this year

How to style yourself better this year

At the beginning of every year, most of us try to start off with good vibes. Many take up better lifestyle habits, eat well, and exercise more often. One thing that follows all of these is styling. We all want to wear our best and be less guilty of making wrong fashion choices. We spend a lot of money on things such as clothes, tailored suits, and accessories so a little planning won’t harm.

Fashion tips to style yourself better in 2019

Here, we are about to share some of the coolest fashion tips that you should follow this year.

  1. Don’t buy clothes to wear it once

We are all guilty of choosing specific clothes that we will only wear once. It could be to a wedding, a Christmas party or a Friday night out with friends. Going somewhere exciting doesn’t always have to mean wearing something new. But what do you do when you don’t want to Instagram pictures with the same outfit more than once? You simply make your look different even when you wear the same outfit.

Suppose you’re choosing a dress and you’re accessorizing it with lovely ear and neck pieces, for the next time, you could go differently. Choose a piece of clothing when you know you can do more with it. For example, probably add a jacket to it or change the pair of shoes you wore or a complete different handbag type.

  1. De-clutter your wardrobe

Many times we store our old clothes because we think we’d have something to carry it one fine day. However, there can be many outdated pieces that you’d actually never wear outside. Don’t hold onto things that don’t fit you or suit you. With time, your preferences change, and you’d have things to discard every time you go through the wardrobe. If you’re thinking how this will help you style – this will keep you away from making wrong fashion choices!

  1. Don’t buy it because it’s on sale

Buying expensive clothing that you can wear in multiple ways is better than choosing cheaper options. Products on sale can often have low quality and end up giving you low value for money. Don’t buy clothes in an impulse which most people do. Make sure you take out time to figure out why you need particular clothing, where you can wear it, and how you’d like to style yourself.

  1. Don’t go extravagant on shopping
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When you’re looking for suggestions to style yourself well, you must go smart and slow. Many of us go on a big shopping spree and spend on things we don’t exactly need. There are times when trend-led items look good to us but are actually not worth spending. Trends keep evolving and you need to figure out how you can make your own style statement with what you have access to.

  1. Discover new brands

If you stick to buying clothes from specific stores, you limit your options. The best way to style yourself is to try things you haven’t before. It leaves people surprised and makes you stand out in the crowd.

Discover new brands, new types of clothing options, and trust your confidence. Explore high-end designers and then affordable mid-range brands to look around. You will find special and stylish options that most don’t have.

  1. Make clear choices

We understand that you might not like throwing things away that you once paid for, especially if you’ve not used them enough. However, letting go can allow you to have a clearer vision on what to wear.

On the contrary, there can be clothes you haven’t worn for a decade but it is back in fashion. You might have lost some weight to go back to an old piece of clothing to try how it looks. You just have to be clear about your choices and know what to use, what to keep, and what to discard.

  1. Have a uniform

A big misconception that most people have about fashion is that you shouldn’t buy something that you own already. No one aims to have an entire wardrobe full of blue jeans, but you can always wear different colored tees of similar designs.

There is no harm in having your own uniform because it keeps you most comfortable. It allows you to be yourself and feel comfortable with what you wear.

  1. Know your wardrobe
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Every time you think about what to wear, you take more time than usual because you don’t know what your wardrobe has. If you know the probable places you usually head to, you can make a list and select your clothes accordingly. For example, you might have a certain type of clothing for office, for home, for parties, and so on. If you categorize all of them and use different shelves to keep them it cuts down on the mess.

Final thoughts

If you are wondering how to be stylish, note that you don’t need a huge budget to follow. You don’t need a walk-in wardrobe that has the best designer wear. All of those don’t define how good you look or how well you can style yourself.

You have to be specific about what you buy and how it makes you feel. You also have to look after the clothes you buy so that it gives you the right value for money. Most people can look good by only having 15 sets of clothes in their wardrobe. If you plan to build a capsule wardrobe, you will know how to fit it all in.

Streamline your choices to be specific about what you have and what you need. There can be many odd options that you feel like buying but they won’t look good on you. Be specific and take time to shop. Impulse buying seldom gets you the best purchases, until you’re looking for sales. Also, make sure you pair your clothes with the right kind of footwear and accessories to make a complete style statement.

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