7 Day Diet Plan for Weight Loss for Quick Results at Home

7 day diet plan for weight loss

Do you always think about appropriate weight loss strategies according to your current physique? Is it tiring sometimes to get so much info on weight loss schemes, and yet being unsatisfied with the results? Here is your 7 day diet plan for weight loss to get out of all the troubles.

Losing bodyweight can be as challenging as tackling the impossible. It is not just you looking for 7 day diet plan for weight loss, but there are hundreds like you. Dieting is not an easy thing as it may sound like. It requires a lot of dedication, strictness, and patience to see significant changes in your body. If you combine a 7 day diet plan for weight loss with rigorous physical workouts, the results can be outstanding.

Never think of losing body weight to make someone else happy other than yourself. Your body is the best possible version of your soul; therefore do not compromise its wellbeing for others. Do not push yourself into a 7 day diet plan for weight loss just to get your most dreamed job. If you are aiming for a healthy body, then 7 day diet plan for weight loss is a perfect choice.

The size and shape of your body is not the answer to everything. Do not get into something stupid just because someone has asked you to do so. If you want to get into shape for yourself, then it is great. At the end of the day, you should feel good and satisfied with yourself. Whether you are trying 7 day diet plan for weight loss or not, never take the decision under any compulsion.

Why should you cut down on carbs?

Do you wish to give a pro touch to your 7 day diet plan for weight loss? In that case, cutting down carbs from your regular diet chart for weight loss is a grand pointer. Why is it so important to have a health low carb diet? What impact do carbohydrates have on your health in terms of bodyweight?

When you are consuming foods with a lower glycemic index, they offer you a high percentage of ‘good carbs’. Food items that are high on good carbs include whole grains and vegetables. ‘Bad carbs’ are the ones that you get from chocolates and cookies, which contain a higher glycemic index. When you are taking the 7 day diet plan for weight loss, it will majorly constitute low carb offering foods.

What is glycemic index?

A frequent question like this can trouble your mind, while following your diet chart for weight loss. How glycemic index (GI) relates to your food consumption, especially carb count? GI is a measuring technique for grading carbohydrates, depending on the extent to which they raise glucose levels in blood.

Initially glycemic index system helped in measuring the levels of sugar in diabetic patients, for monitoring glucose activity in blood. However, now you can use GI meter to monitor carbs intake, and their effect on blood sugar levels and appetite.

You need to opt for food items with a GI less than 55. It will only cause a slight elevation in your glucose level. If glycemic index is in between the spectrum of 55 to 70, your blood sugar will rise a bit more. However, your glucose levels soars crazily when you cross a glycemic index of 70.

Foods with low GI slows down your digestion process, and thus cause negligible hike in your blood sugar levels. Certain studies show that glycemic index and weight loss have a close relationship. When your glycemic index is low, it prevents your body in going into an insulin resistant phase. Tolerance of insulin is like a great boon, when it comes to controlling glucose levels in diabetic patients.

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Furthermore, insulin resistance is heavily responsible for gain in body weight. Therefore, being insulin tolerant can help with weight loss effects, and keep you away from serious heart disorders and diabetes.

Basics of low carb diet plan for weight loss

The type of food that you opt every day tells a lot about you. Food consumption depends on how concerned you are with your health, your routine exercises and overall lifestyle. You need to be very clear on your mind about how much fat you would like to burn. Without knowing your fitness goal, you cannot work effectively towards it.

For a basic low carb diet plan for weight loss, you need to stress on some DOs and DON’Ts.

What are the DOs?

Food items that you must include in your regular low carb meal are:

  • Meat- chicken, lamb, mutton, beef, and pork.
  • Eggs- pastured eggs or the ones rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Fish- haddock, trout, and salmon; especially fishes that you can wildly catch.
  • Seeds and nuts- sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds.
  • Oils and fats- cod liver oil, butter, olive oil, coconut oil, lard.
  • Vegetables- cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, spinach.
  • Dairy products with high fat content-heavy cream, cheese, yogurt, butter.
  • Fruits- blueberries, oranges, apples, strawberries, pears.

When you are aiming at losing weight, be careful not to overeat nuts and cheese. Remember to consume only one piece of fruit each day.

What are the DON’Ts?

Food items that you surely need to strike off from your 7 day diet plan for weight loss include:

  • Sugar- canned fruit juices, ice cream, soft beverages, alcohol, candy, agave, and other sweetened products.
  • Trans fat- partially or completely hydrogenated oils.
  • Refined grains- rye, rice, barley, wheat, pasta, cereals, and bread.
  • Foods that undergo high processing- factory made packaged food items are a big NO.
  • Products with low-fat content (dietary foods) – crackers or mixed cereals and certain diary items offer lower fat content but have high amount of sugar in them.
  • Starchy vegetables- corn, sweet potato, normal potato, acorn squash, peas, purple potatoes, pumpkin.

What kind of low carbs snacks to eat?

While following a diet chart for weight loss for female, there is no point to eat meals thrice a day. However, if you ever feel hungry in between two meals, there are some low carb snack to opt for like:

  • Baby carrots
  • Full fat yogurt
  • One piece of any low carb fruit
  • A small bowl of nuts
  • Little meat chunks and a cheese slice
  • Proper boiled eggs (one or two)

7 day diet plan for weight loss

What kind of meal preparation do you require?

Planning is a crucial part when it comes to losing body weight in a healthy way. If you are looking forward to 30 day meal plan for weight loss, focus on one week diet plan first. Without strategic planning of your diet and workout schedule, you never achieve the results that you desire.

Prepare your daily meals way ahead to save time and efforts during your 30 day meal plan for weight loss. If you can plan your diet effectively, you can benefit yourself with the following:

  • Save a lot of money.
  • Avoid going for unhealthy diet picks. For example, failing in sorting out low carb food items from high carb ones.
  • Save time when you are busy during the week.

If you are succeed in preparing your daily meals a week in advance, you have the option to store food. For quick breakfasts and lunch, you can keep your food in clean airtight containers and freeze for storage. It will become much convenient and timesaving for you, when you have to quickly head for work. When you have meals already prepared in your refrigerator, you automatically rule out the option of eating unhealthy food.

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Some food items that you can pre-prepare and store include:

  • Protein pancakes
  • Egg muffins
  • Small bowls of Greek unsweetened yogurt
  • Stir fried vegetables and protein rich foods without rice
  • Chicken strips wrapped with lettuce

Which alternatives to eat instead of high carb foods?

Sometimes you can reduce your daily carbohydrate intake by replacing high carb items with no carb or low carb ones. Some of the replacements of foods with high carbohydrate content include:

  • Eggplant lasagna
  • Baked fries of butternut squash
  • Rule out pasta and use zucchini ribbons instead
  • Lettuce leaves are a better choice against taco shells
  • Make a pizza crust out of smashed cauliflower
  • Instead of flour noodles, go for squash spaghetti
  • Use grilled Portobello mushrooms as a replacement for buns in cheeseburgers.

What is your basic 7 day diet plan for weight loss?

Before diving into the strict one-week diet chart for weight loss for female, here is a basic sample for reference. Focus on a low carbohydrate containing diet, full of dietary fibers and proteins. Remember not to consume more than 50 gm of total carbohydrates in a day to stay fit and active.

Diet plan for Monday

  • Breakfast- Eat an omelet out of two eggs along with some steamed non-starchy vegetables. Fry the omelet in either coconut oil or butter.
  • Lunch- Add few blueberries to your full fat yogurt, and a small bowl of almonds.
  • Dinner- Cheeseburger without any breads or buns, with salsa sauce and vegetables on the sides.

Diet plan for Tuesday

  • Breakfast- Eggs (hard-boiled or omelet) and bacon strips.
  • Lunch- Cheeseburger without bun and steamed or stir fried vegetables.
  • Dinner- Salmon fish with butter and non-starchy vegetables on the sides.

Diet plan for Wednesday

  • Breakfast- Steamed vegetables with one or two eggs. Fry the eggs in coconut oil or butter only.
  • Lunch- Prepare a salad with shrimps and use only olive oil.
  • Dinner- Baked or grilled slices of chicken with steamed vegetables.

Diet plan for Thursday

  • Breakfast- Omelet alongside different non-starchy vegetables, sautéed in coconut oil or butter.
  • Lunch- Coconut milk smoothie including strawberries, blueberries, protein powder and almonds.
  • Dinner- Meat steak with steamed veggies.

Diet plan for Friday

  • Breakfast- Eggs (omelet or hard-boiled) and bacon strips.
  • Lunch- Chicken and veggies salad with a little olive oil.
  • Dinner- Pork chops and steamed vegetables.

Diet plan for Saturday

  • Breakfast- Omelet with two eggs and sautéed vegetables on the side.
  • Lunch- Unsweetened full fat yogurt including various berries, a few walnuts and coconut flakes.
  • Dinner- Meatballs and green non-starchy veggies.

Diet plan for Sunday

  • Breakfast- Boiled eggs and bacon.
  • Lunch- Coconut milk smoothie with a little heavy cream, berries and protein powder (chocolate flavored).
  • Dinner- Grilled or baked chicken wings alongside some raw spinach salad.

What are the negative effects of low carb meals?

Now comes the tricky part on how to manage 7 day diet plan for weight loss with minimal side effects. You need to use your brains a little more in managing, apart from sorting out low carb food items. If you are unaware of your health conditions, get yourself checked first. Without learning your health status, you cannot take the risk of undergoing a low carb diet plan for weight loss.

There can be potential temporary adverse effects on your wellbeing from a low carb diet, such as:

  • Nausea
  • Fatigue or deficit of energy
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Digestion issues like constipation
  • Bad breath
  • Palpitations
  • Skin rashes
  • Headaches
  • Abnormal rise in your cholesterol level (LDL or bad cholesterol)
  • Decrease in the potency of your athletic performance
  • Reduced agility and activeness
  • Lack of focus and memory issues

Some long terms side effects of low carb meals can be:

  • Osteoporosis, where your bones start to lose density and become prone to fractures.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders like- IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), colitis, perianal infections, perianal abscesses, colon polyps, anal fistulas and hemorrhoids.
  • Nutritional deficits- anemia, scurvy, rickets, beri beri, pellagra, goiter, etc.

Takeaway message

When you are consuming foods with low carbohydrate content, you are indirectly cutting down on your junk food. Carbohydrates are present in high amounts, especially in foods like bread and pasta that are packaged and sugar-coated. Low carb meals offer you with healthy non-starchy veggies and proteins.

If you want to lose weight in a healthy way, stick to a low carb meal and many dietary fibers. Opt for sustainable fitness goals with a nourishing 7 day diet plan for weight loss and see the amazing results. Always take a dietician’s advice in case of slightest adverse effects.